Tuesday, November 07, 2006

We had a very full on, very fun weekend. We saw Colin Buchanan in concert on Saturday morning which was great! We don't have any of his CD's yet but Erin really enjoyed it and Jon and I found it hilarious. We then drove through to Port Sorrel to visit friends which was fantastic. On Sunday Billy and I went to cater Ladies Time Out (a church thingy) while Erin had special Daddy time. We had fun!

Is just beautiful of course. Still insanely overprotective of Billy and regularly smothering him with love, I am enjoying that until he is on the move and into her toys! She had a fairly huge freak out over a fly landing in the bath Saturday night which isn't like her. She is normally fine with creepy crawlies. She seems to be over it though. She is just growing so quickly. We made pineapple muffins last week and she did a lot of the cooking herself. She loves cooking with me.

has a REAL tooth. It isn't the white bump that has been comming and going for 2 months, it is a real pointy little tooth! He had big cuddles with lots of different people over the weekend and just loved it. He won the heart of his Aunty Jen by grabbing her with both hands and hugging her to him. He just loves his cuddles. Laughs and grins are almost constant. He is a real joy at the moment. He loves his reflection in the wardrobe mirrors.

The house:
is lovely. A bit messy, but home :D I rearranged and sorted the main bedroom this week which was a relief. The freezer is sort of slowly filling with cooked stuff. I keep using it all up though! But I am hoping that I will eventually have a full freezer and by the time I am pregnant with our next bub I will be able to use it to fall back on when I am tired and blurgh.

The garden:
hasn't had much done since I last posted. However, things are growing without my attention! Seeds are sprouting, a rose bush is blooming and a tree out the front is blooming with a beautiful scent...I really must find out what it is called. Kester gave us some strawberry plants which are growing with small fruit on them already. It is wonderful that it can still manage to thrive with the neglect it has received this week.

Nothing, I've done nothing...yes, I am a lazy bum! I am THINKING very hard about some booties to go with the beenie for Katie and Jeremy's baby.


Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

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